POP is...TMR

So, Hi ppl...
How're u???
R u guys sad? or happy? or excited? or what?
Tmr is the POP that we've all been dreading/ waiting for.
I'm going to feel so awkward when I go school tmr....😣😣Haiizz....
Anyways....Gud job peeps!!! Exams over!!!
But...it's not over yet...Results...
I've pretty much given up on everything except history and geo...Can you believe it? I actually have hope for geo!!!
But I'm very scared/worried though....so many of my frdz say they have confidence they can do well in maths/bio/chem/lit/eng....And here I am...I have legit 0.000000000000000000001% of hope that I'll do well....
It's okaii tho...there's still End of yr exams!!!! We'll just work even harder for that!!!!!
I still have exams tmr tho.....😢😢
Jiayou, Foong Kit and Me!!!!
Oh and Kamala...but then hers not the real exam so....

POP tmr....

Byeeeeee....no Ps-es tday.....
