the best parade so far

the best thing just happened during parade. I'm typing the same thing Meryl typed but yea. First of all, we beat the changing timing by ALOT. 2min 50s was awesome I didn't know that we could be so fast.

We had campcraft and we learnt how to do a round lashing. it was really fun and interesting. I think I can use the round lashing to tie stuff together at home heheh. 

Then we went to do drills. we changed back into our skirts, and we exceeded our set timing, we took 3min 20s. We also dropped a pair of socks and they got confiscated:( We ran up to the 3rd level empty corridor with our casualties, and GG was there. so we ran to the 4th level empty corridor and NCC was there. so we had to go to the 2nd level empty corridor. it was really tiring. 

Drills wasn't as good as campcraft, but it was ok. We can still do better. we also practiced marching, and we were split into three groups so we could observe each other and point out our weaknesses to each other. we also realised that we were not coordinated in alot of drills. we also did not maintain our dressing, so we have to work on that during squad recess/lunch. 

Ma'ams also taught us how to correct ourselves if we march wrongly. It was the method that Ma'am --- taught us some time ago. I just realised how to do it properly yesterday.  After drills, it was time for debrief. During debrief, we were suddenly joined by a lot of Ma'ams, and it was a bit awkward. So, we were a bit quiet during debrief, and a Ma'am made all of us raise a hand until we gave a point for debrief. After debrief, we managed to claim back our confiscated socks😆. Then we were dismissed. 
