
Hezzo kiddos (jeez I'm high)
Ok ya so....
today was sports' day yayyyyyy (I'm so enthusiastic..... not)hmph... It was actually quite fun and our Team 1 won the third place in the inter-UG 4x100m!!! Good job Mithuna!!!!!!!!!

We were standing the whole time and telling people to back off like bouncers in bars liddat HAHAHAHAH... Anyhoo, my ankles hurt haizzzzzz my ankles hurt whenever I stand for too long in my canvas shoes... I have homework and serious problems, mostly the serious problems HAHA it's ok, that's why my squadmates love me! 'cause I'm nuts.

Okie dokie pokie, I'm gonna go study :) Cause I'm a good kid *cue angelic music*

