Hi peeps long time no update.
I'm trying to do a number patterns pop quiz now, it's so hard!!! I have been horrible at number patterns since like what, P1??? hahahaha I miss my innocent P1 self. Anyway, it's really tough. I can't believe we have our EYEs in about 2 weeks. I have to slog seriously, and,my third lang asks us to study hard, but they ask us to design a poster about German tourist attractions. What logic is that, aren't we supposed to do that after EYE? OK enough about studies.
So we got our NP tees and nametags today. It looks really cool, but changing will be really tough from the upcoming parade. On the bright side, we can practice changing in and out of full uniform before AC, which is in barely 2 months time. I am really anticipating AC, although I know it will be really tough and demanding, I also know it will be a valuable experience that I don't want to miss. The NP nametag looks really really cool. I think its made of black acrylic which can be found in the D&T lab hahahaha.
I guess it will be alright in the end. Time really flies, I can remember the first parade very well. I remember we were all really overwhelmed by all the new information given, and also by the fact that we had to call Ma'ams Ma'am, and that we had to maintain the senior junior line, but it is all second nature now. We are already coming to the end of our first year in NP, and it is hard to believe that we will be taking over in 1 year plus.
The thought of us being Ma'ams seems really crazy cos we area bit crazy and stuff. I'm glad we have this blog, typing on it actually calms me down.
ehehe(voldemort laughs). Let us treasure the time we have in NP ok??
Good luck and jiayou for EYE, we must pull our grades up, we can do it!!!😃💪💪💪
~pav aka tortellini aka nana aka pavy
p.s. @ whoever posteed internal-conflict-abt-np-itis, I totally get you, I'm always panicking and jumpy after lunch on Fridays when there is parade. I mostly worry about exceeding timings tbh. By the way, I think I know who you are ehehe
I'm trying to do a number patterns pop quiz now, it's so hard!!! I have been horrible at number patterns since like what, P1??? hahahaha I miss my innocent P1 self. Anyway, it's really tough. I can't believe we have our EYEs in about 2 weeks. I have to slog seriously, and,my third lang asks us to study hard, but they ask us to design a poster about German tourist attractions. What logic is that, aren't we supposed to do that after EYE? OK enough about studies.
So we got our NP tees and nametags today. It looks really cool, but changing will be really tough from the upcoming parade. On the bright side, we can practice changing in and out of full uniform before AC, which is in barely 2 months time. I am really anticipating AC, although I know it will be really tough and demanding, I also know it will be a valuable experience that I don't want to miss. The NP nametag looks really really cool. I think its made of black acrylic which can be found in the D&T lab hahahaha.
I guess it will be alright in the end. Time really flies, I can remember the first parade very well. I remember we were all really overwhelmed by all the new information given, and also by the fact that we had to call Ma'ams Ma'am, and that we had to maintain the senior junior line, but it is all second nature now. We are already coming to the end of our first year in NP, and it is hard to believe that we will be taking over in 1 year plus.
The thought of us being Ma'ams seems really crazy cos we are
ehehe(voldemort laughs). Let us treasure the time we have in NP ok??
Good luck and jiayou for EYE, we must pull our grades up, we can do it!!!😃💪💪💪
~pav aka tortellini aka nana aka pavy
p.s. @ whoever posteed internal-conflict-abt-np-itis, I totally get you, I'm always panicking and jumpy after lunch on Fridays when there is parade. I mostly worry about exceeding timings tbh. By the way, I think I know who you are ehehe
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