Um okay hi. My phone auto correct is so annoying. So. AC is coming. Tmr is the last day of October and Halloween and we have extra training (no complaints). AC is like in wut, 3wks time???  OMG I'm(we) are all so freaked out now dat AC is rly arnd the corner omg. Seems like such a short time ago when our Hestia Ma'ams just) POPed and was telling us abt AC on the whatsapp group chat,  and telling us abt canned food and Maggi and bread, and now its like actually less den a month b4 we actually experience that for ourselves for like the first time in out short lives. And we got our pack lists today and the spam chat was rly active aft being ded for 94394846464 days we were all panicking about not having 2 NP tees and arguing abt the diff between quarter uniform and half uniform HAHAH still rlly confused now we were talking abt bringing shower caps and "showering" during AC and how to make our braids stay tied up while we are sleeping, cutting my hair short doesnt seem like such a bad idea now teehee. APPEAL TO ALL APHRODITIANS: CHOP OF YR LOVELY LOCKS TO SAVE TIME DURING CHANGING AND SO YR HAIR WILL STAY TIDY WHEN U SLP DURING CAMPS jkjk. I still dk how to light a match,  I tried to find a match to light the candles on my bday cake ytd but I count find any matches,  but at least I finally got the guts to light a lighter now yay. I'm so worried for camp man,  my time management is rlly horrible but I think my cooking is still edible tbh,  rest assured that u wun get food poisoning after eating what I cook, peps.  Um so I guess we need a squad outing to the army market to buy our black whistles, army green ponchos,  and torches and another field trip to ntuc xtra to buy our cutlery or an alternative would be to raid our kitchen or storeroom.  And yet another field trip to the pharmacy to buy some prickly heat powder and toiletries and yet ANOTHER field trip to the mama shops nearby to buy matches and batteries and lastly another field trip to popular to by some scissors a motel and a squad pen which we Hvnt decided on yet.  Oh Ya n oso last wk or smth I was thinking abt AC and worrying abt a squad pen and at nite I dreamt that it  was a Wednesday nite and we suddenly realised that ac was the cming Saturday and we hadn't got a squad pen and I was spamming the grp chat abt plans for the pen,  and that I was just go to popular and buy the sort of pen that comes in a box,  like 16 in a box the nxt day and give it to the squad one day before AC HAHAH the Chinese saying 日有所思,夜有所梦 (you will dream of what u hv been thinking abt in the day)  is rlly tru HAHAHAHA. And i was thinking jn dat cos I'll prob hv ballet like less den 12h before I hv to leave for sch for AC, I'm gonna ponteng ballet cos I dw stress thru out ballet imma jus stay home n pack and repack and repack my stuff although it wun rlly make me feel btr but I guess it will help dat I'm doing smth related to AC??? But chances are in the end I still wun ponteng hahah.  OK I'm spamming bye bye happy early Halloween and Jiayou us for tmr xtra training, our timing for changing shld b set at 3min???  cos we oni changing skirt n socks dats all,  a bit not used to it TBH changing in n out of full u isn't dat bad...  Let's not get any socks or skirts or slacks confiscated. Familiarise ursleves with ur scripts for the skit cos advance party is dis Fri which is essentially in 3 days.  K byeee somebody accept my instg request to follow the squad acc thku
~Yo pavina
