First parade after really really long

Wow. I expected much worse.

Hmmm, firstly we did a lot of things. I wasn't feeling very well (translation: I hadn't eaten since the previous day and felt exhausted) but, hey, perseverance amirite? 

We learnt the basics of orienteering and OMG I've forgotten everything about Geography HAHA Kamala making us all look bad, can answer everything like a bawse HEHE

We learnt maju and belok and we spent all the time learning drills in the courtyard, luckily most of the time, the weather was in our favour...

Next Friday, we get our results *shudderrrrrr*

I have no mood to write anymore cause I must go study for bible class exam UGH and write some weird GK essays cause my dad says I'm "ridiculously unaware of what is happening in this world"



(I wrote like 3 lines yesterday then fell asleep before eating which meant I didn't eat yesterday at all and err I wrote the rest today and yep that's all)
