Hey there...


Yesterday's parade was quite good? bad? strange? I don't even know... Our changing has improved from last week how though and we learnt the sheer lashing quite quickly... CI was there during drills and ya... hentak... hentak is bleugh... how do Ma'ams make hentak look so easyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy... From now on along with APT, I shall do endurance hentak HAHA... My stamina is no good for hentak man and I have to time at the same time but some of my amazing squadmates help meeeeee... THANK YOU   ^-^ 

Er we got our results yesterday and... I love physics- my science would have sucked if not for physics (surprised Mr -? - he was like y'all are gonna fail Physics BAAHAHHA) Also, my Literature Poem Analysis was amazing, like the teachers were practically drooling over it but thanks to horrible Giver, I didn't do too well for Lit... :( My essay for English was apparently 'touching' cause er my EL cher came up to me and was like why don't you write like this in class? IDK Ms -, I really dunno... And Maths was awesome... Other than that everything sucked... Mother tongue was pretty ok as well :)

We got holiday homework and WHY WHY WHY.... I don't want to do it *cry*

And as my good friend pavy/nana/pavini/tortellini Pavina said, AC is coming up... I would be excited... but I can't be there *sob* 

Our first year in Cedar and NPCC is coming to an end (WAI SO FAST) and I'm speechless... (ironic, considering I'm so talkative) 

K ya that's all...

