urgh omg my beret is so unseasoned. I seasoned it for so many months already omg. I placed it under my mattress and sleep on my beret every day and it still looks like a baker's hat. I asked Ma'ams about my beret ytd and the CI said that I should remove the crest and sit on it. Oh well I will try that. Maybe my beret is too thick that's why. When I went to touch Kit's beret it was so thin. Mine was like thrice as thick as hers tskk. ahh I will sit on my beret and sleep on it, and hopefully it will look better by next Wednesday. Maybe warmth is a factor in the speed of which the beret is seasoned :p. Lately I have been making lame puns what is wrong with me. I am so lame lately. And I am still proud of our changing timing, we must keep on improving every parade and try to hit 5min by AC. currently we are at what, 8min+ for 16 ppl? during AC we will have much lesser than 16 people so I guess we should aim lower(or higher, depending on how u look at it :p). Now that I have said this I wonder if our changing cheer should be aim high soar far instead. but both cheers are nice, really, and yeah they are quite interchangable. and also the ironing board at my house broke and I have to iron my uniform using a towel. I really like our uniform. And I really think changing in NP has made our general changing speed a lot faster. In class like about 3min before the bell rings I realise I haven't changed yet, so I just go to the toilet and change in fear that a teacher walks in, and by the time I come back two minutes later my classmates are like "huh I thought you just went to change how come you are back?" and I be like "I’m done" and they will be like O.o. Ah and the other day we had a cyber wellness course for post exam activities and the trainer flashed the Blogger icon and was like "who uses Blogger?" and I raised up my hand and my classmate started smirking at me because she knew that I blog over here and read my cringey blog posts(shudders). I just installed blogger on my phone so I can blog even when I'm not at home.
Last time we used to dread changing so much when we were still yellow minions in PE attire, and we only had to change from school skirt to slacks and from white socks to black socks, and we hated it, but now we change all our clothes, and strangely we don't hate it as much(or at least I don't). I sense less tension in the squad before changing nowadays as compared to last time. And I also don't feel as stressed before parade nowadays, after the month-long break. Maybe its because we don't have to cheong anymore. We don't have to cheong next year or the following years either(jiayou MSP and CSP peeps), and we can fall in later too. I sort of look forward to next year, cos we will have juniors, but not really bcos we will get scolded more, but I suppose thats necessary because we will be stepping up like in less than one and a half years from now(time flies,it’s scary). We only have one more parade before AC, excluding extra training. OMG its stressful. This time next month we will either be catching up on sleep lost during AC, taking extra long showers or reminiscing about memories of our first AC.
ok I suppose yall are done with me talking so much I shall not continue, bye
ok I suppose yall are done with me talking so much I shall not continue, bye
~ur squadmate who says the dumbest things😀😀 (my name starts with P)
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