Aphrodite - 20/01/2018 - a letter to dearest sisters ❤❤

Saturday, 2018, January, 20th

Dear Aphrodite,

     Greetings, my dear sisters. how have you been? It has been a while since I last wrote and I hope fervently that all is well. We shall meet soon, and share the wonders and joys and adventures we have chanced upon.
    Such a sentimental mood that has overcome me, for all that fills my head are memories we've made and shared. The times we've had as new cadets, awkward first moments, awful first impressions, a sudden change, a bond we created, a vision we all share      we came together, fresh and ready. Now, here we are, young and fresh still but not so as old times, albeit old and stale and yet stick together, we do. Such moments, such knowledge, such experience      little gifts bestowed upon us, I thank the kind Giver. For without you, my dears, stress would be swallowing my body, my soul. 

    Do you remember, the times we had as new cadets, fresh and eager that we were? The excitement that coarsed through us, sending us diving for experience. Fearing the unknown, worry gnawing at our bones, and yet we all survived. Happily, excited, if I may say so. New knowledge, new experience, new people, new bonds, new relations, new muscles, new responsibilities      we devoured them all. Hungry and eager and excited, young and fresh and innocent, we all were.

    The times we shared, the gossips we spoke, the drills we practiced, the low tone we tried, the commands we learn, the Ma'ams we ou-ed      Do you remember them? The humour, the laughter, the tears, the joy, the sadness, the worry, the anticipation, the excitement, the responsibilities      Do you remember them? The Parades, the extra trainings, the annual camp, the drills test, the campcraft test, the theories, the knocked-downs, the tent-pitching, the PK2, the road safety course, the fund-raising, the squad recess       Do you remember them? 

    What joy we had, what laughter, tears, worry, anger, excitement       believe me, sisters, when I say they're carved in my heart and etched in my memory. For the day I age and forgo my memory, I shall behold you in my palms and remember the tears, the joy, the laughter, the excitement, the worry we all had. The memories we created, The times we spent; they atre worth more than anyone can imagine. For they are the bonds that glue us together       17 souls, 17 minds, 17 cadets and yet we come together as 1 Aphrodite, 1 mind, 1 soul, 1 squad. Should the day we break apart descend upon us, the earth would rage with storm and heartache and sadness, for we could never function as 1 Aphrodite without one another.

    I thank you all for the joys and laughter and tears and memories we shared and created        known to none except us. These I shall remember, these I shall treasure. If I should lose my fortune, I shall remain rich, still, with you all and these in me and around me. 1 Aphrodite; may we build our fortune, still, create memories and joys and laughter and tears       shall we be richer than anyone thinks.

    20 days late, dear sisters, but better late than never, they say. I shall bid you adieu and hope to see you all again soon. May we build a vast fortune in the near future! And have a great year ahead!

Forever together,
Aphrodite #15
