lit stuff

tdays parade was soooo lit

some good pointers for the day:

  1. we didnt exceed both changings, and we broke a record too (3.55 for full uniform - PT kit)
  2. we survived PT (it wasnt dat hard tbh does anyone think planks was alot easier den last time the 30s passed very fast like before we knew it Ma'am was like 5 4 3 2 1 and the second time round we were counting down frm ten HAHAHA but lunges are O.o our legs felt jellyish afterwards esp wen i was gg down the stairs but tbh running takes away the jellyish feeling) 
  3. our drills were lit too (sort of) like idk y I feel our drills r like improving since 3 wks ago esp tday
  4. we learnt a lit new drill (memberi hormat semasa berjalan kekanan/kekiri hormat) dat drill is sooooo cool I swear im falling in love with it and our bangings were more lit and altho we got semula-ed a few times too our gerak was much better (i think..) and omog i swear i likeeee the drill alot its sooooo cool the timing is soo cool n lit and the steps r even better
  5. we had some (bonding???) with the Ma'ams and we said dat we loved dem and I made a lame joke. I was like lets move Ma'am over here (lets make Ma'am feel moved so she will come(move) here) I'm so lame I cannot ppl are facepalming at my lameness 24/7

But its vv sad dat Ma'ams r POPing alr D": like tday mite be the last proper parade with the Ma'ams before we become the taking over squad (idw) and like I'm having second thots abt the Brunei trip cos idw miss POP but oh well lets see

Also rite isit jus me or do we do btr on friday the 13ths? cos I rmb the last time it was friday the 13 we were all freaking out but parade didnt turn out too bad

~ Pavina 

P.S. do yall think im either super high or super whiny? cos my frens think dat, dey r scared of my mood swings


ok u wanna hear a lame joke I made wen we were practicing for standing broad jump

we must aim high so we can soar far and get A  (tbh I passed but not with flying colours) and I'm forever proud dat I finally passed napfa (tbh I passed in in p6 but not p4 cos of sit ups tsk)

I've come a long way since p4, frm 4 sit ups, to 5 during retest, to 18 in p6 and 19 now HAHAH
frm 3 pull ups in p3 and p6 to 13 now
but I deproved in jumps so nvm
and I think I improved in running too? and I def improved in shuttle run frm 13.1 to 12. smthg
and I stretched myself beyond my limits in sit n reach (get the pun heheh)  lets reach out for the skies~~~~~ HAHAH
stop calling me constipated pls and stop saying I sound like a dying whale 😭
