I am mad at you (whoever posted the prev post). U spelt lame wrongly, u spelt lame as lane. did u know dat ur tiny error has a great impact on the world, for lame means lousy, while laNe means a sort of road, like bus LANE scheme or 'baa baa black sheep have u any wool, yes sir yes sir 3 bags full, one for the master and one for the dame, one for the little boy who lives down the LANE(not LAME)' if lane and lame were interchangable, we wld be singing baa baa black sheep as 'one for the little boy who lives down the lame' and you would be calling my lame jokes 'lane'.
and rite jus a side note im quite a big fan of draco malfoy so im just saying malfoy is spelt as M-A-L-F-O-Y not M-A-L-L-O-Y so yeah. MY FATHER WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS (swaggers off)

anyway POP is cming ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
slowly but surely
in abt a month
rite aft CT2/ MYE
and lets get fitter too
so lets meet up
once a week
at the dnt block
our usual spot
we can do planks
and invisible chair
and 5bx too
we can blast music
with Emma's loud speaker
but lets be considerate
and lower its volume
so we wont disrupt dnt periods
lets be fit
so we can be healthy
and also prepare for atc
we can jog around the track
but not during jogging
we can jog
while being enthu and cheering
random cheers like campfire's burning
but let's do it in recess
So we won't disrupt classes
but hopefully no one's using the track
for PE lessons
k bye im such a poet HEHEHEHE
im shakespeare's asian descendant
descendant of the shakespeare
shakespeare is cool
MoV is cool
It is lit
cos we use it for lit
but im barely passing that subject
so rip for me
yesterday my mum was whetting her knife
on her wet whetstone
and i thought of shylock
earnestly whetting his knife
against the sole of his shoe
about to carve a pound of flesh
out of the chest
of his mortal enemy Antonio
my mother sharpened her knives
and cut the passion fruit in half
for us to carve out the deep golden flesh
of the fruit of passion
EHEHE (voldemort laughs)
k bye i shld stop bothering yall EHEHE

"We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided."
― Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
“We're with you whatever happens.”
― Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
nooo im getting emo feels hAHAHA
bye these quotes r great and inspirational esp wen u r feeling down
cheer up ok? to whoever's feeling grey
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