O Nivetha, good lady, wherefore must thou leave us so soon?
thou shalt be missed by us all, do remember to send us a message at the hour thou reach thy destination. May thee stayeth safe, and recall our joyous times together, and beest joyous at each moment.
A good wish upon you,
ok basically i used shakespeare translator for dis ahahhaha it seems vv cheem n cool eheheheh
but rlly, nivetha, we will miss you, we may not be with you in person, but we will always have your back whrever u r, and if u evr need a listening ear, you can alw come back to us, we will always welcome you with open arms, our front, back, and side doors are alays open to you, and so are our windows. pls keep in touch with us, we wont ever forget you. you shouldnt be leaving us so soon, and we never imagined this would happen, but now its happening, so we wish you good luck in your future endeavours and if u come back to sg remeber to tell us ok? we will come and meet u at the airport.

like legit now i relate to a instagram series of pics i saw some time ago
guys treasure the time we have together cos we dont know if more of us will leave aphrodite
live life to the fullest, there is no time for regrets
thou shalt be missed by us all, do remember to send us a message at the hour thou reach thy destination. May thee stayeth safe, and recall our joyous times together, and beest joyous at each moment.
A good wish upon you,
ok basically i used shakespeare translator for dis ahahhaha it seems vv cheem n cool eheheheh
but rlly, nivetha, we will miss you, we may not be with you in person, but we will always have your back whrever u r, and if u evr need a listening ear, you can alw come back to us, we will always welcome you with open arms, our front, back, and side doors are alays open to you, and so are our windows. pls keep in touch with us, we wont ever forget you. you shouldnt be leaving us so soon, and we never imagined this would happen, but now its happening, so we wish you good luck in your future endeavours and if u come back to sg remeber to tell us ok? we will come and meet u at the airport.

like legit now i relate to a instagram series of pics i saw some time ago
guys treasure the time we have together cos we dont know if more of us will leave aphrodite
live life to the fullest, there is no time for regrets
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