so I came to the realisation that we're POPing really really really soon and I don't like that. um I had stuff to say but my brain died on me so let's talk about my life instead
I'm trying to be more productive now so that also means I'm more sleepy all. the. time. and I discovered that I'm most productive between 10am and 4pm, after which sleepy mode kicks in and just make a guess when I get home everyday,,, AFTER 4PM
rip productivity, issok I shall sleep later but how do I do that when my soft comfy blanket beckons to me every time I turn around? I swear my new blanket is the most comfortable thing ever I love it so much,,,,
okay yes back to productivity, here's hoping everyone has productive march holidays
also, about POP (goodness no wonder my el teacher is confused by my essays I just hop everywhere man) I'm very sure I'll cry on POP, and I don't get it when my squadmates are like phew I'll be very happy like HOW I'll literally be a sobbing puddle on the bathroom floor :(
anyway, we have very fun things to look forward to, and ig I shall just treasure the time I have left until POP.
okay I should go study now bye thanks for reading my blabbering.
a little brown pink ball of fluff (if you told sec 1 me I'd be one of the shortest ones in my squad, I'd have stabbed you, and if you tell me that now I'll still stab you hah)
I'm trying to be more productive now so that also means I'm more sleepy all. the. time. and I discovered that I'm most productive between 10am and 4pm, after which sleepy mode kicks in and just make a guess when I get home everyday,,, AFTER 4PM
rip productivity, issok I shall sleep later but how do I do that when my soft comfy blanket beckons to me every time I turn around? I swear my new blanket is the most comfortable thing ever I love it so much,,,,
okay yes back to productivity, here's hoping everyone has productive march holidays
also, about POP (goodness no wonder my el teacher is confused by my essays I just hop everywhere man) I'm very sure I'll cry on POP, and I don't get it when my squadmates are like phew I'll be very happy like HOW I'll literally be a sobbing puddle on the bathroom floor :(
anyway, we have very fun things to look forward to, and ig I shall just treasure the time I have left until POP.
okay I should go study now bye thanks for reading my blabbering.
a little brown pink ball of fluff (if you told sec 1 me I'd be one of the shortest ones in my squad, I'd have stabbed you, and if you tell me that now I'll still stab you hah)
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