exam tingzzzz

 yo ip kids goodjob on finishing exams (long ago) and jy for gap month?? anyway we graduated 3 wks ago (i think) and study break is over (nearly a week ago) and we're nearly a week into os hahahahahahahahahaha jiayou guys emath and english (and third lang) over liao haha yay. wait el lc is tmr so el will be over TOMORROW. this wk relatively chill but nxt wk is all the content heavy die subjects haha anw i got closer to one of my classmates over study break and i found a new side of her haha we've been classmates for 4 years and table partners for nearly 1 year in sec 1/2 and we only talked (ish) after grad, in the second wk of study break?? haha funny anyway goodbye i have tuition tmr aft lc ksnkss scared for next week honestly JKKJDS but aftr next week then the rest is chill (as in not that much content) bcs next wk is hist/ss/bio p2/chem p2?? ok at least i have 3 days of exam only and no paper on my bday ahah lmao yay thank you mother for popping me out a little later if not i nd to suffer having bio/chem/any other subj on my bday like my friend whose bday is two days before mine. and omg first parade of the year without us :( on friday?? which is the last day of sch oops but omg we so old liao 

and omg im shifted to the back of the class, at the other end and im right under the aircon its so cold kjsnjds and i can no longer look out of the window for inspiration during my papers anymore hakjsabk sad,,, and also the invigilators are so cute??? 

ANYWAY JIAYOU FOR LC TOMORROW GO CLEAN YOUR EARS TONIGHT rest well we nd to be alert during lc (pls do it safely dont poke a cotton bud into your ear pls its dangerous) 
