
well now that one person has blogged, maybe I should blog too HAHA

so, hello! welcome to my blogpost haha

this year has truly been so unexpected, with my life taking a route that I did not expect of it, but I guess that’s what life is? unpredictability and confusion✨

through this year, I’ve somehow gotten more understanding + patient and less patient simultaneously,, which is quite confusing even for me, but I guess that is me now lol

It’s quite strange how even though it’s been almost 7 months in my new school, I still refer to it as my “new” school and will choose to go to cedar/npcc any day over my current school and cca :/ maybe that’s not a very good thing but I don’t think it’s particularly hindering my current school experience so it’s not an “issue” I’m actively trying to solve

urn what else,, i really don’t know-

i hope everyone is doing well and that that uncertainties you’re facing don’t worry you too much 🥰
